Luckily, there are some small changes you can make to start saving energy in your home. Here at Ecocharge Electrical we have put together a list of ten residential energy-saving tips.

1. Turn Off Lights When Not in Use
If you are leaving a room or have more lights turned on than you need, just get in the habit of switching them off when you don’t need them. You can also utilise natural light during the daytime. Open up those blinds and curtains and let the natural light in to save more energy.

2. Convert to LED Lights
LED lights consume a lot less energy than traditional incandescent or fluorescent bulbs. They also last a lot longer on average. Make the switch to save more on your electric bills.

3. Buy Energy-Efficient Appliances
Look for ENERGY STAR ratings on appliances to minimise the amount of electricity needed to run them.

4. Unplug Unused Electronics
Anything that’s plugged in (even when it’s not in use) will draw some amount of standby power from the outlet. Unplugging electronics that you are not using can add up to long-term savings.

5. Cut Back on Hot Water Usage
Whether your water heater is gas or electric, you can benefit from cutting back on how much hot water you use. Take shorter showers, don’t leave the water running the whole time you wash your hands or brush your teeth, and fix any leaky faucets around the home.

6. Use Your Thermostat
Thermostats are designed to control temperature and also to effectively manage power usage. Set it a couple degrees cooler in the winter and a couple degrees hotter in the summer. You won’t notice much difference and you’ll use a lot less electricity. Also, consider a timer component that helps you manage the temperature when you are not home and while you sleep.

7. Use Your Laptop
Laptop computers and tablets consume a lot less electricity than desktop computers. Turn off the desktop if you don’t need it and opt to use your laptop, phone or tablet more often.

8. Cut Back on Unnecessary Cycles
Simple things like air-drying your clothes, turning off the heat-dry setting of your dishwasher, washing your clothes in cold water and maintaining proper temperature in your refrigerator/freezer can definitely help you save more energy.

These are just a few helpful energy-saving tips that you can start applying right away throughout your home. When you have better energy consumption habits, you can really start to see significant electric savings over time.

For a full electrical consultation, contact Ecocharge Electrical. We can help you with more efficient residential electrical systems and show you more ways to cut back on electrical bills.